martes, 15 de marzo de 2016

Five Top Natural Tips to Grow Taller

Height of a child is to large extent pre-determined by the genes that the children inherit from their parents. However there are certain practices that can help increase their height beyond the full potential. The long bones (femur, tibia, fibula, humerus, radius and ulna) at its end have growth plates (called epiphysis) that are responsible for the increase in your height. 

Remember that the maximum spurt in height occurs during and immediately after puberty in both girls and boys. The three to four years are critical for the final height you attain. During this phase ensure that you are eating the right diet, doing the right exercises and getting enough sleep. This will help you achieve a little extra to what you maybe destined for by your genes.

Girls have growth potential till the age of 16 years whereas boys can grow till they are eighteen. Remember these tips are meant generally for growing children in their early teens.

1. Do regular exercises for about 30 minutes. Recommended exercises include:

  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Use High Bars

2. Eat at regular hours and don't skip your meals. Always start the day with a good breakfast.

3. Have milk especially before going to bed. Remember milk has first class proteins and proteins are important building blocks of life

4. Try and add proteins substances to your diet – milk, eggs, meat, cereals and avoid sugary substances like pastries, sweets, crisps. Ensure you have adequate vitamins and minerals in your diet. If necessary add a short course of recommended multi-vitamin intake for a few months.

5. Remember your growth takes place while you are sleeping – hence sleep the full eight hours.

Human Beings are Growing Taller 

Over the last 150 years it has been noted that there has been an increase in the average height of human beings and this maybe attributed to better diet and nutrition. From an average height of about 5'5", the height has increased to about 5'10".

For example the average height of boys and girls in Tamil Nadu has noticeably increased over the last couple of decades and this maybe due to the introduction of midday meals in schools by the government.

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