viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

How to grow and be higher?

What you need to know about growth hormone:

Growth hormone or more known growth hormone, the anterior pituitary secretes, anterior pituitary.

It is a general hormone which affects the growth of the tissues around the body by increasing the volume of the cells, increasing their number (by intensive mitoses) and specific differentiation of certain tissues.

Particularly significant its effect on the skeleton of bones and cartilage and the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. metabolic effects of growth hormone caused by the following mechanisms:

Metabolism protein causes increased synthesis of all proteins in the body by increasing the transport of amino acids through cell membranes, enhances the transcription of DNA and transcription of RNA in the core which increases protein synthesis at the ribosome and reduces the catabolism of protein and amino acids.

Fat metabolism causes increased mobilization of fatty acids from adipose tissue; carried their conversion into acetyl. coenzyme A, which is then used for energy purposes and therefore in increased secretion of growth hormone occurs ketosis.

Carbohydrate metabolism causes decreased glucose utilization by increasing the delay of glycogen in the cells, especially in the liver. Because of this, the blood can lead to increased levels of glucose and the occurrence of so-called pituitary diabetes.

This diabetes is insulin resistant, but due to constant stimulation of the pancreas to secrete insulin as a result of hyperglycemia in the blood can lead to depletion of beta cells in the pancreas that secrete insulin it and thus develop diabetes mellitus powder (diabetes).

Growth hormone stimulates the growth of cartilage and bone on the transformation of chondrocytes in the osteogenic (bone cells). The growth of long bones in the length (longitudinal), and the membrane cell width.

As a mediator of the effects of growth hormone on bone includes somatomedins S which is produced in the liver under the influence of direct somatotrophic hormone.

Hormone secretion is controlled by the hypothalamic releasing hormones and inhibiting growth hormone, and their secretion is regulated by the mechanism of the negative feedback, the amount of protein in blood

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