viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

How to straighten spine naturally tips Part II

III. Some Good Postures That Can Help On How To Straighten Your Back Naturally:

As already mentioned and discussed, correcting poor postures is essential and crucial for determining where improvement is necessary. For example, when you sit in an office chair. Next, patients need to work on changing their routines and habits daily and thereby correcting the related areas. This will be able to help in improving and providing a great support to your back and over time it will help in decreasing back pain. You will need to spend some efforts and perseverance on doing this, and it seems to be a necessariness when it comes to a little unnatural support initially. Commonly, people might feel uncomfortable, and even sometimes they feel a little taller, but over time the new correct postures will seem to be more comfortable and natural.

Here are a few of good guidelines and tips on how to get in right postures and ergonomics and how to straighten your back naturally at home and at the workplace.

1. Sleeping Posture With Pillows And Mattresses:

  • If you sleep on the side, you should relatively have a flat pillow placed between your legs. This will help to keep your spine straight and aligned.
  • Consider putting under your neck with a rolled-up towel and a pillow under your knees to support your spine better.
  • Use a pillow to give your shoulders and head proper alignment and support.
  • Sleeping on the back or side is usually more comfortable for your back compared to sleeping on your tummy.
  • It is generally best for proper back to use a relatively firm mattress to support them, although individual preference is very crucial.

2. Posture And Ergonomic While Carrying And Lifting Things:

  • When you need to carry backpack along, avoid rounding your shoulders or leaning forward. If the weight feels like too much, you need to think about making use of a rolling backpack with wheels.
  • When carrying a purse or a backpack, remember to keep it as light as you can, and as much as possible balance the weight on your both sides, or alternate from side to side
  • If you need to carry something with one arm, remember to frequently switch your arms
  • Keep the object close to your chest when carrying what a large or heavy object
  • If it is needed to help in keeping good posture while lifting, you should get a supportive belt.
  • Use the large stomach and leg muscles for lifting instead of using your lower back
  • Always remember to bend at your knees, not your waist

3. Driving Posture:
  • The headrest should support your head’s middle point and area for keeping it upright. Tilt the headrest forward if you can so that you will be able to ensure that the head-to-headrest distance would not be more than 4 inches.
  • The seat needs to be a sufficient and suitable distance from the steering wheel to the pedals to avoid reaching or leaning forward
  • To get proper back support, you need to sit with your back firmly against the seat

4. Walking Posture:

  • Keep your both shoulders properly aligned with the rest of your body
  • Avoid pushing your head forward
  • Keep your head up and your eyes need to look straight ahead

This is also one of the best tips on how to straighten your back that I want to reveal in this entire article and want you and my other readers to learn and remember to apply for good!

5. Standing Posture:

  • With your shoulders and bottom touching the wall, stand against a hard wall. In this position, you should also keep the back of your head touching the wall – if it does not, your head is carried to far forward (anterior head carriage).
  • If you have to stand for a long time period, rock from heels to toes or shift weight from 1 foot to the other.
  • Stand tall straight with your shoulders upright
  • Ensure that your head is not pushed out forward yet square on top of the spine
  • Tuck your chin in a little so that you will be able to keep your head at the proper level
  • Avoid locking your knees
  • Allow your arms to naturally hang down the sides of your body
  • Keep your feet slightly apart, about shoulder-width
  • Stand not with weight on the heels yet with weight mostly on the balls of your feet,

6. Sitting Posture For Office Chairs:

This is also one of the best tips on how to straighten your back fast and naturally without having to practice any exercises to straighten spine that you and my other readers should consider making use as frequently as possible.

  • Do not sit in a single place for too long, even in an ergonomic office chair that provides good back support. You should stand up and walk around as well as stretching your hands, legs, and back as needed
  • Sit in the office chair with your shoulders straight
  • Keep both your feet flat on the floor. If there is a problem that your feet cannot reach the floor comfortably, you should make use of a footrest along with your office chair
  • You should keep your knees even with your hips or slightly higher than your hip when you are sitting in the office chair.
  • When you sit on an office chair at a desk, you should flex your arms at a 75 to 90 degree angle at your elbows. If this is not your exact case, you can adjust the office chair accordingly.
  • For long term sitting; for example, in an office chair, you need to make sure that the chair is designed ergonomically so that it can support your back properly and that it is a custom fit.
  • You need to make sure that your back would be aligned against the back of your office chair. Avoid leaning forward or slouching, especially when you have been sitting in the office chair for a long period of time and are feeling tired.

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