viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

How to straighten spine naturally tips Part III

IV. Improve Spinal Health With The Best Exercises To Straighten Spine And Natural Tips On How To Straighten Your Back:

It is very necessary and important for anyone to remember and keep in mind that an overall reason leading bad posture is the tense of muscles, which would pull your body out of the alignment. There are a lot of certain effective exercises to straighten your spine that can help in stretching and relaxing the major and most important muscles of your back. Some people discover that meditation and any other form of mental healthy exercises could be very useful for relaxing the muscle system of human’s back. And, many people find out some remedies and activities like massage therapy, Tai Chi, yoga, and many other exercise routines that should be performed regularly, or treatments like osteopathic or chiropractic manipulation, etc. to be useful with both posture improvement and awareness, and muscle relaxation as well.

1. Open Shoulder Pose

This is the very first out of the best exercises to straighten spine and back that I would like to reveal in this section of the article to help you and any other readers who want to learn how to straighten spine naturally at home without making use of expensive yet harmful methods such as drugs, pills, or some medical intervention, or even a surgery.

Yoga is one of the most helpful exercises that many women are following. If you want to know how to straighten spine and find out the most bodyweight exercise at home, you can try to perform this pose.

  • You lay your belly on the ground.
  • Put your left arm for 90 degree from the body.
  • Face your palm up.
  • Press your right hand under the shoulder.
  • Bend your right knee and reach the right toe.
  • To reach your right arm to the ceiling, you can fall down your hand to the ground and keep it as long as you can.
  • Also, you can make your right hand touch the left and breathe well.
  • If you want to change the side, do it slowly.

2. Open Your Shoulder On The Blocks

This is very simple exercise that you can do at home because you do not have to prepare lots of materials or tools to support your exercises. Simply, you can put two blocks in front of you and put the elbows on those blocks. Stress your hands as the position of a prayer, release the head between two blocks and turn the prayer to the back. Keep this position for 10 breaths.

3. Straighten Spine With Arms

This movement requires the combination of the shoulder and arms and it also can imporove your flexibility

  • The beginning position is to kneel.
  • Next reach the left arm to the ceiling.
  • Bend the elbow until the left arm fall to the shoulders.
  • Get the right hand to reach the left elbow and deepen your shoulder, open it but do not push or press it.
  • Count for five breaths and lean the back slightly.
  • Change the hands and repeat the steps.

In fact, this is one of the best and most effective tips on how to straighten spine naturally that I would like to reveal in this entire article and want you and my readers to learn and make use as soon as possible!

4. Open Shoulder With Standing Pose

This exercise is also good for your spine and you should add into the tips of how to straighten spine with yoga poses.

  • Stand up.
  • Clasp the hands behind the sacrum, soften it through the knees and fold it forward.
  • You should stay this position for ten deep breaths.
5. Open Shoulder With Wall


  • Put the forearms on the wall and keep it parallel to the height of the lower shoulder.
  • Keep the shoulder and elbows far.
  • Step back to make your head relax between your arms.
  • Keep this position for 5 breaths.

6. Fish Pose

Wondering how to straighten spine quickly, you should try this pose at home. The steps are:

  • Sit down and put a medium-height block behind.
  • Now you can rest on the blocks and regulate the place you put on the body there until you feel comfortable. Make sure that your arms are also resting on it.
  • Keep this pose for five deep breaths.

In brief, practicing the fish pose is one of the simplest to apply yet most effective tips on how to straighten spine naturally and fast that I would like to reveal in this article and people who want to learn how to get taller need to learn and make use as soon as possible!

7. Needle Pose

  • Firstly, reach the left arm under the body and allow the left shoulder release to the floor.
  • Put your right hand over the head.
  • Keep the pose and breathe for 10 times.
  • Change the side and repeat the steps.

8. Twist Pose

This is also a good and health yoga exercise that can help people who want to learn how to straighten spine naturally at home without using any type of drugs, pills, and medications achieve their goal and dream of getting their back straight again, making them more confident when showing off in public and get more success in life.

Obviously, learning how to straighten spine naturally, along with eating foods, having healthy lifestyle, you need to have a good plan of exercises every day. This is another yoga pose we suggest you do.
  • Sit down and keep your legs long in front of you.
  • Bend the left knee and put the left food out of the right knee.
  • Hug the right arm around the left leg and put the left hand on the floor behind the sacrum.
  • Keep this position for 2 deep breaths and change the side.

9. Mountain Pose

It is a mistake if we do not list mountain pose in this article. That is very easy exercise to do at home and you can follow the instructions:

  • Stand tall; keep your feet hip wide apart and the toes point toward.
  • Cull the belly in toward the spine to help your lower back and curve it naturally.
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed.
  • Mound the head on the top of your spine.
  • Keep the arms straight along with the body.

This is also one of the best exercises to straighten spine and tips on how to straighten spine naturally proper for both men and women that I want to list down in this section of the entire article.

10. Good Posture Is Significant

Well, I can’t blame everyone for not maintaining a good posture since bad pose such as slouching is unquestionable a major factor that contribute to your spinal problem. Sometimes, we unintentionally slouch due to long hour working in front of the computer or sitting in the office for too long. Slouching will give us temporary comfort and relaxation but we can literally notice that at the same time, it is giving us spinal problems. At this point you may come up with a question that what defines a good posture. The definition is very important because you yourself can fix your spinal problem by making your body adapt to correct posture.

A correct posture is when your head and ears are parallel to the shoulders, your shoulders blades are retracted a bit while your back and spinal are straightened up. The correct posture will lighten the spinal stress and help you avoid back pain problems.

The experts from San Francisco State University have discovered the interrelationship between poor posture and depression, while many researchers have proven that stooping and slouching are significantly associated with a bunch of diseases such as heart burn, depression, overweight, and respiratory functions.

So, how to straighten spine naturally? By correcting your posture, you can automatically gain a lot of benefits such as taller appearance, deeper breath, elevate your overall energy and enhance your body performance.

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