Before I used to try methods to grow taller, I really was not motivated so much to even try. I thought growing taller is impossible and there is no chance for me to achieve my goal. But what I was about to reveal next, would change my life forever.
One day I was reading on the internet different stuff and accidentally I saw an interestig article of a man who used hypnosis to grow taller 12 inches in a period of one year. I thought to myself ''Is this possible''? Why there's no one else who tried this method and had success! Well I was really curious to read more about this method and other successes stories, so I did some researching to find out.
Next, I found out that there was more people who had success using hypnosis, and the first thing I thought was ''I have to try this''. You know, I was bored trying and trying to grow taller and fail all over again, but this time I was really motivated to give it a shot. I promised to myself that I have to try this method and not give up until I see results. This was my last chance. There was people who grew 4 inches, 6 inches taller by using hypnosis and that was the main reason I wanted to start again my mission on growing taller.
Well, if it didn't I would not write about it. In fact hypnosis is the best method to grow taller, but the hardest to try. Why you ask?
Hypnosis is the best method to grow taller, but the hardest to try because hypnosis require motivation, time and belief. If you don't have motivation, you can't start this method, even if you start, you do it for one day or two and then forget about it. Hypnosis require time to finish the technique, and time to see results, but when you start to see results there is no stop for your growth. And you can't do hypnosis if inside you, you don't believe that it works.
Okay, now I want to tell you my story. When I started hypnosis, I followed the tips how to do it right. Well I did it for around a month or two then I started trying other techniques as experiments. I always experiment things. I can't just follow other people tips and not try discovering about it. That's why I created this website. When I found the right technique to achieve height faster from hypnosis, I used it in myself and others. The great thing here is that hypnosis was the first method which worked for me and my friends, and the beginning of 3 grow taller easy secrets guide. Anyway, lets find out my techniques that I experimented to grow taller, and see how easy it's done!
First of all, this may take you time, so if you're a busy person than try other stuff from my website to grow taller. If you have time, then this is the best technique that works for you.
Start by finding a quite place, and then lay on a bed in a straight position looking at the ceiling and then close you're eyes slowly. Stay in that position with your eyes closed for 5 minutes to rest all your body muscles, and then think about a friend or anyone you know who has the height you want to achieve. After finding that person, visualize him standing in front of you, and you looking in his eyes in the same eyesight level. Visualize talking to him while standing in the same level, or walking on the road both of you. Do this for 20- 30 minutes. While doing this method, sometimes think on your mind and say ''I am tall, I am (the body height you desire).
After you finish this hypnosis, let it go, don't think about growing taller or your height. Just let it go, trust me. Do this everyday, for 21 days to automatically make your subconscious mind think that you are already tall. By doing this for 21 days, you just opened the door for achieving successes and great results for the days that come. This doesn't mean you have to stop hypnosis after 21 days, you must do hypnosis until you are at the height you desired to be.
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